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  • Holistic Mental Health

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    What is Holistic Mental Health?

    Holistic Mental Health is a natural treatment approach that integrates physical health and lifestyle methods to address mental health symptoms. These physical health and lifestyle methods include nutrition, movement, sleep, herbal, social interaction and therapeutic touch.

    Katy Rader is certified as a Certified Mental Health Integrative Medicine Provider (CMHIMP). Through my Physical and Mental Health Assessment, I will assess your current physical health factors, including nutritional intake, movement, sleep, supplement intake, and then current stressors, struggles and mental health symptoms. I will take this information and develop an individualized plan to address your stressors and reduce mental health symptoms through addressing your lifestyle factors. Ongoing sessions are available to address mental health symptoms and adjust your individual plan as needed.

    The following holistic packages can be added to your regular therapy sessions to implement a whole-body approach to your treatment.

    Physical and Mental Health Assessment and Individualized Plan – $395

    • Initial session to complete assessment
    • Individualized plan development
    • Feedback session to present plan and set plan in motion
    • Sample Feedback Form

    Walk and Talk Sessions – No extra charge

    I endorse physical movement to manage mental health symptoms. Therefore I offer Walk and Talk sessions during therapy in which sessions are conducted outside while walking.

    • Regular therapy sessions conducted via walking outside
    • This is not for physical exercise. Pace will be set by client.
    • Can be integrated into any session by request – call ahead to schedule

    Benefits to Walk and Talk therapy include:

    • This method encourages activity to promote positive mental and physical benefits
    • Physical activity helps a patient get “unstuck” when confronting difficult emotional issues
    • Walk and Talk therapy spurs deeper, creative ways of thinking through the release of the body’s natural mood-improving endorphins

    Holistic Mental Health workshops – Pricing determined by client/company’s needs

    • Workshops provided for companies or other groups who are interested in learning how to manage mental health symptoms through physical health and lifestyle factors
    • Self care and stress management will be integrated into information provided
    • Workshop can be individualized to the company or groups needs